Leadership Labs

To thrive in a difficult future, leadership needs to evolve. Constantly. But how exactly? And in which direction?


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Leadership Labs is our dedicated innovation hub, where we explore the new frontiers of leadership through advanced analytics, cutting-edge research, and real-world thinking from leading visionaries.

And we want you to join us on our journey to answer the questions that have eluded academics and leadership experts for years.



Our Leadership Labs partners

In our quest to unravel the future of leadership, we are partnering with world-leading visionaries to exchange ideas, spark inspiration, and fuel breakthrough thinking.

Morten Sorensen

Morten Sorensen
The Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth

Karim Lakhani

Prof. Karim Lakhani
Harvard Business School

Tsedal Neeley

Prof. Tsedal Neeley
Harvard Business School

About Leadership Labs

As the world spins faster than ever before, how do we know which trends are here to stay and which are fads? How do we know which skills to invest in and which ones to leave in the past?

We want answers. But we don’t believe in guesswork or crystal balls.

That’s why we created Leadership Labs.

Keep up to date with our latest breakthroughs here as we seek to challenge conventional wisdom and enter unchartered territories—for the good of leadership, business, and the planet.



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